It also reported earnings before, interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) of Rs 46 crore for the December quarter. In a statement, EPHL said it recorded a plant load factor of 98.22% as compared to 78.44% in the previous quarter—an improvement of over 25%. The net power generated during the period under review was 263.5 MU.
EPHL started commercial operations of Unit I (135 MW of a total capacity of 270 MW) in July 2015. Since then the operations have been consistent. The plant has achieved 100% reliability from the third month of operations.
"Our company is a game changer for Essar Steel Hazira’s steel complex. By consuming Corex gas coal fines to produce and supply cost-effective power, it helps reduce the overall steel production cost,” said Nishith Dayal, Managing Director, EPHL. EPHL is a captive power supplier to Essar Steel India Limited, which operates a 10 million tonnes steel plant in Hazira.