Chennai-based FFE Minerals India Private Limited, a fully-owned subsidiary of the Smidth group, has secured an order worth Rs 358 crore from Vedanta group for a project in Orissa. The company expects to close the calender year 2004 with a turnover of Rs 200 crore. |
Addressing a press conference, Rudy M Edge, managing director and chief executive officer of FFE Minerals India, said that the company has secured five order packages for an integrated 1.4 million-tonne a year of alumina project at Kalahandi district in Orissa. |
FFE Minerals will provide the primary technology supplier for feed preparation, calcination and product handling at the Lanjigarh site.Of the five order packages, the calciner project package alone will be Rs140 crore and the remaining four packages will be around Rs 55 crore each. |
Edge said that the engineering designs for its parent company is done by its Indian subsidiary. FFE Minerals also expects to bag the India Aluminium's alumina project of 1,600 tonnes. |
The order packages bagged by FFE Minerals begins with the mines crushing and downhill conveyor from the mines to the foothills. The crushing technology will be provided by its Australian-based subsidiary ABON Engineering for crushing of sticky bauxite material. |