Shifting its focus from cricket after India's world cup disaster, Korean consumer electronics major LG today announced it will now sponsor golf."Cricket today has become a very expensive property. It's not the right tool to target niche segments which we are looking at as a part of our business strategy, that's why we have chosen golf," Sandeep Tiwari, marketing head, LG India told reporters.To start with, LG will provide umbrella sponsorship to the Indian Golf Union's National Amateur Tour for the next three years."By providing sponsorship to golf we are targeting high-end customers for products like LCDs, lap-tops and mobile phones," Tiwari said.He, however, said cricket will remain a part of LG's media plan in case of special launches and occasions like Diwali, when it offers mass products.LG will explore other sports as well, including selecting three more disciplines, apart from golf for brand promotion, he said.Asked about the investments in sponsorships, he declined to disclose the exact figures saying "for the moment, the investment is very small."