The education sector enjoys a share of 25-28 per cent of the franchise market in India, said Venus Barak, vice-president, Francorp India, highlighting the potential of the franchise business in India.
"The franchise business is an $8-10 billion industry in India currently with a 25 per cent year-on-year growth. The education sector enjoys a share of 25-28 per cent of the entire franchise market in India, followed by retail with 12-14 per cent and food with 9-12 per cent. The service sector stands the most potential for franchise business. For instance, the automobile sector is coming up so a lot of car service centres are opening up. Other upcoming sectors are health, beauty, wellness and lifestyle to name a few," Barak said on the sidelines of launching the Franchise Management Programme for Mudra Institute of Communication, Ahmedabad (MICA).