France-based It company NetASQ launched its India operation here today and said it was investing $1 million initially to capture 20 per cent of the estimated $2 billion network security solutions market in the country.
A subsidiary of Airbus group, the company would launch U series firewalls and Mfiltro anti-spam appliances in India.
"We will be targeting the mid and high range segments," Dominique Meurisse, Executive Vice president (Sales and Marketing) of the France-based company, said.
The French company will be running its operations with technical support from the city-based Zoom Technologies.
Meurisse quoted a report by consultancy firm Frost and Sullivan which says the network security solution market is expected to grow further.
M H Noble, Managing Director, Zoom Technologies, said a 24X7 multilingual support centre for NetASQ in the city had been set up.
NetASQ, which operates in 45 countries, has managed a growth of 30 per cent and is anticipating reaching 100 million Euros next year.