With the diesel generator-manufacturing industry of Agra facing a complete wipe-out due to the stringent pollution norms, the manufacturers of genset accessories that were erstwhile dependent entirely on the Agra diesel genset manufacturers, have decided to make a go for the international market, selling their products to large OEM manufacturers. |
Sensing the weakening pulse of the genset business in Agra, Indo Agro Industries, a manufacturer of wire wound resistors and other genset accessories, is planning to enter the international market on its own by developing its products according to the specifications of overseas OEM equipment suppliers. |
According to Nitin Jain, managing director, Indo Agro Industries (IAI), the company specialised in the production of diesel genset accessories like wire wound resistors, slip ring assemblies, carbon brushes, graphite carbon products, resistors, rheostats etc., apart from graded casting components under the brand name "Jainsons". |
Besides these, he said, the company also produced graphite crucibles, plugs etc. that were used by Goldsmiths for melting both gold and silver. |
He said so far, the company was manufacturing its products according to the specific requirements of the clients and a significant part of the production was also according to the OEM specifications but lately, the production of gensets in Agra had dwindled away and the company was searching for alternative markets outside the country. |
According to Jain, the company's target now, was to achieve the highest standards in terms of quality for which, efforts were on to acquire an ISO certification that could be of great value when the company finally decided to enter the world market. |