Gujarat Heavy Chemicals (GHCL), a company into home textiles and soda ash, today announced its plan to enter the retail arena. The company is expected to open 100 franchisee retail stores in three years at an investment of Rs 125 crore."The first store is expected to come up by December-end in the National Capital Region. The area of the store would be in the range of 2,000-4,000 square feet," Sanjay Dalmia, chairman, GHCLsaid. With organised retail growing at more than 30% annually, there is a huge untapped market for home textiles specialty stores in India, Dalmia said.Last week, the company launched Grace, its bed, bath and windows collection. GHCL has tied up with 2,500 retailers across the country to market the brand. "The products under the Grace brand will be available throughout India from the first week of September," Vijay Sharma, senior manager (marketing), GHCL told Business Standard.