Global Annual Rubber Meet in Kochi on Feb 20-21
There will also be panel discussions, involving experts and key stakeholders from different segments of rubber industry.
George Joseph Kochi Rubber Board will launch an annual global meet on natural rubber commencing from next year. The board in partnership with stakeholder associations, is organising the first meet- India Rubber Meet 2014 (IRM-2014) at Le Meridien Convention Centre, here on 20 and 21 February 2014.
This will be the launching edition of IRM and later on will be held annually. The theme of IRM 2014 is “Indian Rubber: New Horiz ons”. There will be invited talks by internationally renowned speakers on topics such as economic outlook, technology and innovation, regulations and legislations, sustainability and market/rubber industry outlook.
There will also be panel discussions, involving experts and key stakeholders from different segments of rubber industry.