Set up at a cost of Rs 6 crore, the institute will provide cost-effective and high quality care round-the-clock seven days a week. |
Global Hospitals managing director K Ravindranath said the institute would have a 50-bed capacity and a network of ambulances and paramedical professionals. |
Ravindranath said Global Hospitals would also tie up with the state government to provide emergency care to road accident victims along the 100-km stretch of the Hyderabad-Mumbai national highway under the proposed Andhra Pradesh Emergency Network. |
Sophisticated ambulances equipped with trained paramedics would be deployed by the hospital to rush to the aid of the victims within the first hour of incident known as Golden Hour, he informed. |
Apart from the specialist trauma care wing, the institute has wings for neurosciences and orthopedics. Arthroscopic, spinal and polio , plastic and recontructive and facio maxillary surgeries , and backache care would also be undertaken at the new facility, Ravindranath said. |
Global's new facility is also the first in the state to employ a qualified epileptologist who specialises in seizure disorders. |
The institute will be inaugurated by governor SS Barnala. |