Lupin and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) have joined hands for the clinical development of the company's migraine and psoriasis projects.According to a release issued by Lupin to the BSE today, DST has selected two clinical development programs of the company for funding, one each in the disease areas of migraine and psoriasis. While the migraine project involves conducting Phase III clinical trials of the company's LL-2011 (Amigra, a herbal formulation being developed as a nasal spray) for prophylactic treatment of migraine, the collaboration on psoriasis will support the extended Phase I and Phase II trials of LL-4218, a pure compound derived from a herbal source for the treatment of chronic stable plaque type of psoriasis. "DST has committed over Rs 10 crore to support the company's clinical development projects, which are expected to be completed in two years," the release addded.