QRG Enterprises, promoters of leading electric and power distribution equipment maker Havells India, has forayed into healthcare service segment. The company aquired 70% stake in a 140-bed super speciality hospital - Central Hospital and Research Centre, Faridabad, today. The investments in the hospital segment are routed through its newly floated company QRG Healthcare."The aquisition marks the beginning of our entry into the healthcare segment. We have spent over Rs 20 crore for the acquisition and are investment an equal amount in expanding the existing facilities in the hospital. In the next phase, we are likely to go for more such facilities", Qimat Rai Gupta, CMD, QRG Enterprises said.Havells Group is the latest among established industrial houses diversifying into the healthcare segment. Paras Healthcare and Apollo Tyres promoted Artemis Health Sciences are among the new healthcare service providers in the national capital region (NCR)."Other than oncology and cardiac care, the Central Hospital provides all other super specialities. Our next step would be to add those services also in near future." Sanjeev Gupta, head of operations, Central Hospital said."Faridabad, a city with over 25 lakh population, needs atleast half a dozen super-specality hospitals. There is an urgent need for more such facilities here. QRG may think of another hospital also in the same region." Gupta said.In addition to Havells, QRG which has an annual turnover of $1 billion, owns companies like Standard Electricals, TTL and Havells Sylvania.