Henkel India Managing Director Satish Kumar said that the company is currently evaluating various categories in the home and personal care segment for possible new product launched.
"We have recently launched quite a few products, including soaps and deodorants. We are still exploring further possibilities on increasing the range," he said.
Henkel India had recently entered into the cleaners category with International 'Bref' range of products, including power cleaner and the toilet cleaner.
"These are evolving categories with fast growth and we would be giving consumers superior benefits at an affordable price through strong product differentiation," Kumar said.
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The company had also launched a specialty cleaner 'Pril Multi-Degreaser' in the first half of the current year for cleaning utensils.
"This is in line with our philosophy to innovate and deliver superior brands and technologies," Kumar said.
With new product launches in the pipeline, the company is taking up bottle-necking and modernisation of its manufacturing plants to increase efficiency and output across the segment, he said.
"We have take up bottle-necking and modernisation of our manufacturing plants at Karaikal and Tiljala to increase efficiency and output across the segment," Kumar said.
All these, he said was part of the company's target to achieve 10 per cent growth in the Indian market.