The Karnataka government is allotting 500 acres to two-wheeler major Hero Honda near Dharwad to set up a Rs 2,000-crore manufacturing plant with annual capacity of 1 lakh units, state Large and Medium Industries Minister Murugesh R Nirani said today.
"Hero Honda is coming (to the state). We are going to give them 500 acres near Hubli airport near Dharwad. They are investing Rs 2,000 crore. They need 1,000 skilled workers. It will have annual capacity to manufacture 1 lakh two-wheelers," he told PTI.
The minister also informed that he will have second round of discussions with South Korean steel major Posco in Seoul in the first week of April regarding the company's plan to build a Rs 32,000-crore steel plant in the state, having a 6-million tonne annual capacity.
Nirani said discussions would also be held with the TVS Group in the next few days on the possibility of the latter putting up an engine manufacturing unit in the state.