Honda today launched its premium sedan Civic in the Indian market, pricing the entry-level model at Rs 10.75 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi)."With the launch of the latest generation 'Civic' in India, we are reinforcing our commitment to the market," Honda Motor President and CEO Takeo Fukui said.The company said it expected the new Civic model, which will compete with cars like Toyota Corolla and Mitsubishi Cedia, to further consolidate its position in the Indian market."We expect to sell 1,000 Civic cars every month," Honda Siel Cars India President M Takedagawa said.Honda said car sales in India were expected to grow 50% this fiscal and finish the year at around 62,000 units. "Of this, around 10,000 would be Civic," he said.The 1.8-litre Civic comes in two variants, with the manual transmission costing Rs 10.75 lakh while the automatic variant would be for Rs 11.45 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi).The car to be manufactured at Honda's Greater Noida facility, will have 68% localisation which will be scaled up to 80% within the next two years, the company said.This is the eighth generation model of the Civic, which is Honda's most popular car worldwide.