Seventeen industrial proposals with a proposed investment of Rs 419 crore have been cleared by the Himachal Pradesh government. They also include a Rs 250-crore Nestle food processing unit.
This decision was taken by the state single window clearance and monitoring authority here under the chairmanship of Chief Minister P K Dhumal on Saturday.
“Among the fresh proposals, Nestle India’s Rs 250-crore food processing unit at Tahliwal in Una district has also been cleared, which will generate 650 jobs,” Dhumal said.
“The Nestle project is a prestigious project for Una district and the entire state. Best efforts are being made to complete the formalities so that the construction work of the unit can start soon,” he said.
The state so far has succeeded in attracting an investment of Rs 40,130 crore since the excise holiday package was announced in 2003 by the Centre. “In the last two years alone 2,320 new industrial units have been cleared, promising an investment of Rs 11,205 crore,” Dhumal said.
Of the 17 projects cleared on Saturday, seven are new industrial units and ten expansion proposals of existing industrial units in different parts of the state.
Dhumal claimed that proposals of multi-national companies were pouring into the hill state and these were being processed soon.