As part of this, it is expanding its product portfolio, market reach and after-sales service points, said Faisal Siddiqui, country head, HTC India. However, he refused to divulge the size of investment earmarked for increasing its market share and the time line to achieve the desired target.
HTC has already increased its national distributors count to four, and plans to focus on regional markets through a distributor presence. In the next 6 months, it would nearly double its presence to 7,000 outlets. Next year, it plans to start exclusive experience stores across various cities.
The plans for this would be ready by the end of the year and the stores are expected to provide touch and feel for the customers on various HTC products, including the mobile phone accessories.
The company would also increase its after-sales service points from 250 to 400 centres in the next six months. It would also increase the promotion activities in various platforms such as investing into the print and electronic media advertisements.
The company has recently launched its smartphone, HTC One Max. It is now planning to launch two to four smartphone models in its Desire range of products.
HTC India is currently into the Rs 10,000 above smartphone market. The segment last year witnessed 18 million sales and the expected sales this year would be 27 million, said the company.