Declaring a price war against rival Maruti's Swift, Hyundai Motors India (HMIL) today launched its new premium hatchback Getz Prime starting from Rs 3.89 lakh."We are targeting to sell about 30,000 units of Getz Prime in domestic market, and 40,000 units in the export market during the remaining part of this calender year," Arvind Saxena, vice president (marketing and sales), HMIL, said today.The company has introduced the Getz Prime with 1.1 and 1.3 litre petrol engines within a price range Rs 3.89 lakh -Rs 5.24 lakh. The base model of Maruti's Swift is priced at Rs 3.99 lakh.The company had made India its global hub for Getz exports, and started overseas shipments last week.Also Read: Primed Up