Hyundai Motor India (HMIL) today said it would raise car prices by up to Rs 15,000 from early next month due to higher input and freight costs."The hike can be expected on all models and it will be up to Rs 15,000,"Arvind Saxena, vice-president (marketing & sales) of HMIL, said.The company's car models in the Indian market include the hatchback Santro, premium hatchback Getz, midsize Accent and luxury sedan Sonata Embera.The company is in the process of working out price hikes for each model. "We are working the exact quantum of hike on each model," Saxena said. The company had said last week that production costs had gone up due to higher costs of inputs and freight. "We have been absorbing the hike in production costs for some time. But all that put together is too much to absorb and thus we will raise prices," Heung Soo Lheem, managing director of HMIL, said.