I want to do away with hierarchy: BalkiSumana Guha Ray / Mumbai December 14, 2007Ending months of speculation, R Balakrishnan, popularly known as Balki, was appointed chairman and chief creative director of Lowe India yesterday. Sumana Guha Ray caught up with the adman and film-maker, who has been with Lintas (which later came to be known as Lowe-Lintas) since 1994. Excerpt:How does it feel to be promoted to the post of chairman from national creative director? How will your role change?Everything remains the same. Just that I will no longer be able to blame anyone about mistakes anymore. I will have to bear the burden on my shoulders.What changes are you going to bring about to the way the business is run at Lowe India?I want to do away with the hierarchical system that exists in the agency. I don