CLICK HERE FOR VIDEOIdea Cellular, debuted on the BSE with a handsome 23% premium at Rs 92 as against the issue price of Rs 75. The stock touched a high of Rs 94, and a low of Rs 84, before settling at Rs 85.55 - up 14% on Day 1.PTI adds: The Aditya Birla Group owned telecom company will invest $2 billion in the next two years to compete in the booming Indian telecom market."Idea plans to invest approximately $2 billion in the next two years towards network expansion...the telecom sector has extraordinary promise," Sanjeev Aga, CEO, Idea Cellular, said just after the listing of Idea on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange.Aditya Birla Group and Idea Cellular Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla meanwhile ruled out any tie-up to compete with rivals like Vodafone. "We are not looking up at any kind of tie-up," said Birla, who earlier in the morning led the listing ceremony by ringing the opening bell to mark the debut of Idea Celluar on the bourses.Idea currently operates in 11 circles out of 13 for which it has been issued license. The company will launch operations in Mumbai and Bihar this year.