Technology information services provider, International Data Group (IDG), is bringing its flagship publication `PC World' to India. Slated to be launched in July this year, the Indian edition of the monthly magazine will now cost Rs 100, instead of the Rs 500 that the US-edition costs, said an official release by the company.The growth of IT in India at 18% was three times faster than the growth of IT industry across the world, Patrick J. McGovern, founder and chairman of IDC said. IDG has more than 150 million readers across the world and expects at least 80,000 readers in India in the first phase...PC World in India would provide usable, credible and trustworthy information to the end-user of technology and would contribute to the rapid growth of the technology industry in India, MCGovern said. PC World India's editorial content would be based on rigorous testing of locally available products and gadgets at company's India Test Centre located in Bangalore, the release said. "The company has invested over Rs 5 million for the PC World India test centre, which using the in-house software of IDG will test, evaluate technology products and provide un-biased reviews to assist the readers take informed decision while going for a product," said N Bringi Dev, president of IDG India. IDG India, the wholly-owned subsidiary of IDG was incorporated in 2004 and is now present apart from its headquarters in Bangalore, in Mumbai and New Delhi. It's already launched Real CIO World and Services OutSourcing World to India.