The company has already submitted its detailed project report to the Himachal Pradesh government and waiting for its approval. It also plans to set up technical university in Haryana and a deemed university in Punjab. The group plans to invest close to Rs 1,000 crore in five years on setting up educational institutes in these states and Uttarakhand.
The company has floated a society called Swift Fundamental Research and Education Society (SFRES), to foray into education.
In an interaction with Business Standard, SFRES, President and Managing Director of Ind Swift Ltd, G Munjal, said, "To meet the growing need for quality professionals in the country, we have forayed into education sector by floating a society called SFRES. We have plans to set up Deemed Heathcare University in Himachal Pradesh with an investment of over Rs 250 crore. we have already submitted our plan to the state government and waiting for the necessary clearances. The society will need atleast 100 acres of land for setting up the University.
"We also plan to promote medical tourism in the state by setting up five- or seven-star hotel, heathcare resort adjoining the University," he added.
The group today announced setting up Swift School of Pharmacy at Rajpura, Punjab, to meet the growing need for quality pharmacists in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Talking about Punjab plans, he added, "We have plans to set up a deemed university spread in over 100 acres in Punjab. As far as land is concerned it may be at single location or at different locations." The group has 40 acres in Rajpura and already started Pharmacy College and will very soon start a nursing college.
"We plan to set up a deemed university in Punjab. Initially, we will start pharmacy and nursing colleges, and later on add dentistry, engineering, architecture, management and medical colleges at the proposed location," Munjal, said.
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The pharmaceuticals group also plans to set up professional colleges in other states. We plan to pump in Rs 1,000 crore in five years for setting up educational institutes in other states as well," he added. The company plans to set up technical university in Haryana and also educational institutes in Uttarakhand. The company will fund the project through internal accruals and term-loans.
Ind-Swift group is one of the leading pharmaceuticals groups in India with presence in over 45 countries with two listed entities Ind-Swift Ltd and Ind-Swift Laboratories Ltd, and a wholly-owned subsidiary in the US.