On Saturday, Air India put up an advertisement on a wall panel right behind IndiGo’s check-in counters at Mumbai airport with a message: “Next time fly with Air India and feel the difference.”
IndiGo has about 40 per cent market share, more than double that of Air India’s 14.8 per cent.
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Two days later, IndiGo put up placards at its check-in counters with a message: “Yes, Air India, there is a difference. Says the Government.” The placards mentioned that Air India had the worst on-time performance and the highest number of passenger complaints among all airlines.
Air India wrote to Mumbai International Airport Limited for removal of IndiGo's placards. Air India said IndiGo's advertisement put the national carrier in poor light. Air India said it had not targeted any airline. IndiGo removed its placards and put up the same message on a wall panel next to the Air India advertisement. IndiGo did not respond to an email query. IndiGo had earlier put up panel advertisements behind Jet Airways’ counters at Terminal 1B (Jet shifted to T2 last year), while SpiceJet advertised on pillars opposite IndiGo counters in Mumbai airport.