Infosys, Cairn India and Maruti Suzuki have evolved as "trend-setters" in Investor Relations (IR) sphere in India for year 2012, according to a report.
While a majority of the Indian companies are still at a nascent stage in developing the IR process, Infosys, Cairn India and Maruti Suzuki stood out in evolving strategies, and are constantly disseminating valuable information, said Investor Relations Society in its report.
Investor Relations Society is a member of Global Investor Relations Network, a forum for investor relations professionals in India.
While IT major Infosys topped the list in perception parameters, it is ranked at par with other IR award winners like Cairn India Ltd and Maruti Suzuki in technical and visibility parameters, according to the report.
IR Society has recently concluded IR Awards for Indian corporates in association with Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), Thomson Reuters and Deutsche Bank.
Infosys had also been awarded the number one spot globally for its corporate governance practices by IR Global Rankings (IRGR) last month.
IRGR is the most comprehensive technical ranking system for investor relations websites, corporate governance practices and financial disclosure procedures.
In the global technology sector, IR Global Rankings awarded Infosys the number one spot for corporate governance and number two for its financial disclosures policies.
"Investor Relations must grow beyond compliance and is no longer looked at a merely a means to meet the information requests of the analysts and investors.
"These days it is being seen as a proactive process in which valuable information is constantly disseminated to the financial community and to the investing public, thanks to the presence of institutional investors in general and the Foreign Financial Investors (FIIs) in particular," said IR Society CEO Kailash Nichani.