ITC Foods today launched organic spices under its Aashirvaad brand today. The initial offerings include chilli, turmeric and coriander powders under the Aashirvaad Select Organic Spices range, which is priced 20% to 25% higher than regular spices available in the market."Organic farming seeks to provide consumers with food, which is 100% natural. With the launch of Aashirvaad Select Organic Spice, we aim to provide a range of natural spices to Indians. We are the only organised national brand to enter this segment in India," Ravi Naware, chief executive, ITC Foods, said.According to him, the market size of organic foods in the organised sector in India could be around Rs 100 crore. "There is no specific survey to estimate the total market size in India. Worldwide, it is estimated to be around $56 billion and growing rapidly. We have made a beginning in India through spices. We are also planning to introduce various other organic products," he added.ITC Foods procures the organic spices from farms in Orissa and Andhra Pradesh. "These farms have been using organic manure for years. They have not been exposed to fertilizers and chemicals. We are looking at similar farms in other states to bring more areas under organic cultivation," Naware said.The organic food is processed at ITC Foods' plants in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh. "Our current production capacity is 300 tonne to 400 tonne per month. The packaging material used is eco-friendly. Care has been taken to ensure to avoid contamination at all levels of production," he said.Aashirvaad Select Organic Spices - Coriander, Chilli and Turmeric powders are available in packs of 100-grams and are priced at Rs 32, Rs 30 and Rs 24 respectively. The range will be available in grocery and departmental stores across all metros, Naware said.