The Jet Airways IPO has been subscribed four times on Day 1, according to data posted as at 1700 hrs on the website of the National Stock Exchange (NSE).The IPO has received bids for a total of over 7.32 crore shares as against the offer for 1.72 crore shares. The maximum bid of over 6.46 crore shares have been made at the maximum price of Rs 1,125 per share.FIIs have submitted bids for 5.12 crore shares accounting for nearly 70% of the subscription. MFs have bid for 2.10 crore shares accouting for nearly 29% of the bid quantity. Individuals have bid for 1.40 lakh shares.According to data on the NSE, employees have so far bid for only 120 shares as against a reservation of 12 lakh shares.