The High Court of Karnataka has cleared the merger of Electronic Data Systems India (EDS India) with Mphasis effective April 1, 2006.The order of the court has been filed with the Registrar of Companies, and, with this, the merger of the company and EDS India is now complete.Jerry Rao, chairman, Mphasis said: "With the legal approval now in place, the Mphasis-EDS combine becomes a scale player in India, which has all along been a key objective. We are pleased that in strategic and in operational terms we are proceeding according to plan."The combined entity has nearly 23,000 people on its rolls, the releasse added.As per the approved scheme of merger, the company will issue 44.11 million shares to EDS. Post the issue, EDS' consolidated shareholding will be 127.11 million shares forming about 61% of the share capital of the company.