KEC International (KEC), a group company of the Rs 11,500 crore RPG Group, has bagged a contract valued at Rs 130.15 crore from the Karnataka Power Transmission Company for the design, fabrication, testing, supply, erection and commissioning of a 400 KV direct current line with a length of 151.15 kms in Karnataka. The project, awarded on a turnkey basis, is to be completed in December 2008. "This is a significant win for us," said Ramesh Chandak, managing director, KEC International, in a press release. The company had recently bagged its largest single value contract worth Rs 380 crore in Kazakhstan and a Rs 176 crore deal in the Middle East.KEC, a global player in the power transmission engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) business, has a current order book worth over Rs 3,300 crore. The company also has operations in the UAE, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Zambia and Ethiopia among several other countries.