Kesoram Industries, a BK Birla group entity, had embarked on an exercise to restructure organisationally its tyres division Birla Tyres, director of the company Manjushree Khaitan said today.
"We are changing the current structure of Birla Tyres and a chief executive will be shortly appointed," Khaitan told reporters after the company's AGM here.
She said the division would go for a change in the product mix and would manufacture more car radials and two-wheeler tyres.
Regarding Kesoram, she said consultancy firm McKinsey had been appointed to chalk out a strategy for the company to improve profitability.
There were no plans to demerge the tyre and cement businesses, she said.
For securing coal assets for its cement plants, the company had been allotted a block in Nagpur along with two other partners, DP Jindal group and Dhariwal group.
Wholetime director of the company KC Jain said that Kesoram was holding majority shareholding in the joint venture.
He said that the block was having a reserves of 20 million tonne and would sustain the cement business of the company.