KFC, a part of Yum! Restaurants chain, today announced its global sponsorship of the West Indies cricket team for the ICC Champions Trophy 2006. THe event is being held in India for the first time from October 07-November 05, 2006."In a country where cricket is a passion - almost a religion, we are excited that we are sponsoring the talented West Indies Team for the ICC Champions Trophy. The combination of cricket and finger-licking food is one of the best ways to contribute to the excitement of the festive season for our customers," Sandeep Kohli, MD - Indian sub-continent, Yum! Restaurants said.In order to cash in on India's passion for cricket, the West Indies team also flagged off KFC's Bucket Mein Cricket promotion which will be on till October 31, 2006. During this period, its chicken buckets would be available at concessional rates and consumers would also have the option of choosing different chicken recipes. Customers would also stand a chance to win special bats autographed by the entire West Indies cricket team as well as an opportunity to meet the team members. Apart from KFC, which at present has 17 restaurants in the country, Yum! also runs Pizza Hut in India.