KNR Constructions has moved up 2% to Rs 129 after the company said it has received an order worth of Rs 580 crore from the Sadbhav Engineering for rehabilitation and up gradation of two lane roads in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.
"The scope of order for rehabilitation and up gradation to two lane with paved shoulders and maintenance of Chhhindwara - Linga - Umarnala - Saoner section of NH-26B including part of Chhindwara by pass and Multai upto near Imlikhera in the state of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra," the company said in a filing to the stock exchange.
The work will be completed within a period of 36 months from the appointed date, it added.
The stock opened at Rs 131 and touched high of Rs 133 on the NSE. A combined 13,651 shares have changed hands on the counter till 1014 hours.