Larsen & Toubro (L&T) has bagged a turnkey order of Rs 1,300 crore from Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) for the execution of a BCP-B2 booster compressor platform in the Bassein gas field, approximately 80 km north-west of Mumbai.According to a release issued by L&T to the BSE today, the company will deliver the compressor platform within two years."The booster compressor platform will rest on the seabed supported by a jacket structure. It will compress the natural gas to a pressure of 60 kg/sq. cm using turbine-driven compressors. The new platform will be bridge-linked to ONGC's existing BCP-B platform," the release added.All critical structures for the project will be delivered from the company's modular fabrication facility at Hazira, the release said."The order affirms L&T's turnkey project capabilities in the energy and hydrocarbon sector, and its ability to execute technology intensive, world-scale projects in India and abroad," K Venkataramanan, member of the board and president (engineering & construction projects) of L&T, said.