Larsen & Toubro has bagged 4 orders worth Rs 329 crore from the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) and Bongaigaon Refinery & Petrochemicals (BRPL) for their ongoing expansion projects.According to an official release issued by L&T to the BSE today, the orders would be executed by L&T's Heavy Engineering Division. One of the orders secured involves designing, manufacturing and supplying two ethylene oxide reactors, involving special tubes made of duplex stainless steel. Ethylene oxide reactors are an extremely critical part of the mono-ethylene glycol unit in a petrochemical plant.The other orders are for critical reactors for the Diesel Hydrotreating units of IOC and BRPL refineries."We are expanding our manufacturing facilities at Hazira in Gujarat to cater to the demand. Currently, our exports account for around 50% of the division's turnover. We expect this to increase further," M V Kotwal, senior exec vice president (Heavy Engineering) of L&T, said.