Larsen & Toubro (L&T) has secured orders worth Rs 900 crore from the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI), and a letter of intent for Rs 261 crore from the principal contractor of the Hyderabad airport project.According to a release issued by L&T to the BSE today, the NHAI orders include two build, operate and transfer (BOT) road projects in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh."In Tamil Nadu, the road project of Rs 525 crore involves widening of the existing two-lane road between Krishnagiri and Thoppurghat to four lanes on NH 7. The other project of Rs 370 crore includes four-laning of a stretch from Jadcherla to Kottakota in Mehaboobnagar district of Andhra Pradesh," the release addedThe road projects will be developed through special purpose vehicles (SPVs) formed exclusively for each project, the release added.In the Rs 261 crore Hyderabad airport project, L&T has received a letter of intent for construction of a passenger terminal building from the principal contractor - China State Construction Engineering, Hong Kong. "This is in addition to the Rs 495 crore engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract bagged by the company in August 2005," the release added.