Larsen & Toubro (L&T) has bagged an engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract valued at Rs 495 crore for the proposed international airport at Hyderabad.According to a release issued by L&T to the BSE today, the contract, signed by the company and Hyderabad International Airport (HIAL), envisages project completion in 30 months."The new international airport, which is coming up at Shamshabad, is expected to open to traffic by 2008," the release added.The company will construct the runway, taxiway and aprons to accommodate wide-body planes including new generation aircraft like A380. "The company will also build the cargo terminal building, ground handling workshops and other buildings. The contract also covers development of airfield ground lighting system and fire station installation of the aviation hydrant system and security perimeter," the release added.Hyderabad International Airport is promoted by the GMR Group along with Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad, the state government of Andhra Pradesh and Airports Authority of India.