The Leela proup is planning to invest Rs 500 crore in Kerala in IT infrastructure development, textiles and hotels."The group has earmarked about 11.1 lakh square feet of IT space in Kerala. The group would invest about Rs 180 crore to provide IT infrastructure in Kochi. It has already put up a building in which Outsource Partners International, a BPO company, occupies about 1,37,000 sq feet space," Venu Krishnan, executive director of Leela group, said.A building is under construction at Thiruvananthapuram for providing IT infrastructure, he added.Leela is also planning to invest in hotel projects in Kochi and Kumarakkom. "The company is planning to set up a business hotel in Kochi," Krishnan said. The group is also planning to expand its existing textile facilities at Thiruvananthapuram.