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Lessons from United: What to do when you're on an overbooked flight

There are steps you can take to lessen your chances of getting bumped from a flight.

Airlines, Aeroplane, Airport
By Scott McCartneyWall Street Journal
Last Updated : Apr 12 2017 | 11:39 AM IST
Getting bumped from a flight is a huge inconvenience. Fliers have few rights in these situations, but there are some protections. And there are some things you can do to reduce your risk.

Lower the Chances of Getting Bumped
There are steps you can take to lessen your chances of getting bumped from a flight. It’s not absolute. All you can do is make yourself less of a target than other passengers.

1. Book a seat assignment. Not having a seat assignment, even a middle seat, means you may end up in the nomad category—waiting for a seat to open up. You’re at high risk of getting bumped if you get the dreaded “Assigned at the Gate” on your boarding pass.

2. Check in early. Some airlines will consider check-in time in deciding who gets bumped.

3. Follow the airline rules. If check-in is required at least 40 minutes before departure, don’t be late or you go to the head of the bumping queue, and you won’t be eligible for compensation. If you have to be in the gate area by a certain time, comply.

4. If you’re traveling with family members, make sure you’re all on the same reservation. If not, call the airline ahead of time as ask to “link the PNRs” so the passenger records are handled together. Airlines try to avoid bumping families with children.

Your Rights as a Passenger
Airplanes are dictatorships, for safety reasons. Passengers are required by federal law to comply with crew instructions. That’s important especially in the air where arguments can distract crews and boil into altercations that lead to injuries, diversion of flights and arrests.

Airline crews are particularly sensitive to noncompliant customers on the ground, where they can easily boot someone off a flight. Passengers have complained in many incidents of crews abusing that authority and having passengers removed for the slightest disagreement. Bottom line: If a crew member says you have to get off a plane, federal law says you have to comply.

Your Rights as a Customer
An airline ticket is really a contract that the airline will transport you from one city to another. You actually haven’t purchased a specific flight or a specific seat; the airline can change all that on you. When the airline bumps you to a different flight, you are entitled to compensation, but only in certain circumstances.

If a Flight Is Overbooked
Airlines are required to offer vouchers to volunteers to give up their seats. If an airline denies boarding to a ticketed passenger, it must put the passenger on the next available flight and cover any hotel costs. The key is “available.” If flights are booked for three days, you’ll have a long wait.

What Compensation Can You Get?
If the airline gets you to your destination within...

... one hour of scheduled time, no compensation is required.

... between one and two hours domestically or one and four hours on international flights, the airline owes y you 200% of your one-way fare up to $675.

... more than two hours on domestic flights and four hours on international flights, 400% of your one-way fare up to $1,350.

Cash or Check?
Airlines are required to pay cash to fliers they bump involuntarily who are owed compensation. Some may try to pay in a voucher, which can carry restrictions and may have an expiration date. But customers can demand cash.

If you paid for extras such as premium seating or checked bag fees, a refund is required for services you didn’t receive.

There Are Exceptions
If the airline has to substitute a smaller plane, for example, it isn’t required to pay compensation. If bumping is required for weight-and-balance issues on planes with 30 to 60 seats, compensation isn’t required. Planes with fewer than 30 seats are exempt from bumping rules.

If You Are Still Really Worried...
Try to avoid regional jets. They have much higher rates of involuntary bumping. Avoid the last flight of the night. People are less likely to voluntarily give up seats. Buy a premium seat. You make yourself less of a target, and you might enjoy the legroom.

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