Ashok Leyland registered a net profit of Rs 142.76 crore in the last quarter of 2004-05, up by 63.52 per cent in comparison with the previous year's net profit of Rs 87.32 crore. |
The board has recommended a dividend of 100 per cent on equity shares (face value Re 1). Net sales in the last quarter increased 30.34 per cent to Rs 1,459.29 crore (Rs 1,119.57 crore). |
For the financial year 2004-05, the company registered a net profit of Rs 271.41 crore, higher by 40 per cent in relation to the earlier year's net profit of Rs 193.6 crore. The net sales for 2004-05 stood at Rs 4,182.37 crore, an increase of 23.31 per cent over the earlier year's net sales of Rs 3,392.01 crore. |
R Seshasayee, managing director, said the company had a capital expenditure plan of Rs 400 crore in the current financial year. Part of the expenditure would be used to ramp up vehicle capacity in the next few month to 77,000 units from the current level of 67,000 units. |