Malaysian Airports Authority (MAA) has been awarded the contract for the expansion of Hyderabad airport, Indian High Commissioner to the country, R L Narayan said today.Narayan told reporters at a joint press meet that MAA has also been shortlisted for modernisation of Delhi and Mumbai airports."A decision in this regard will be coming soon," Narayan said.With business and trade relations between India and Malaysia increasing and presence of a number of it companies in the malaysian multimedia super corridor, "the inbound and outbound tourist travel is set to enhance further," he said.Narayan said Malaysian Airlines, which was already operating to seven destinations in India, proposed to add three more destinations."Between 'Incredible India', which is India's tourism slogan, and 'Truly Asia', Malaysia's slogan, there is a lot of business to be done," he said.Malaysian tourism deputy minister Y B Dato Zahid Hamidi said a delegation, led by his country's tourism minister Leo Michael Toyad, would arrive in India this September.The delegation, with a view to fostering better relations between the two countries, would visit Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Kolkata.