Taking a cue from Vijay Mallya's Force India team in Formula One, the Mahindra Group today launched its two-wheeler racing team of foreign riders to make their debut in the MotoGP, the road racing world championship for two wheelers, in March in Qatar.
Announcing the entry into the world motorcycle event, in the 125cc class bikes, Mahindras' Executive VP Ruzbeh Irani said that the move "is well aligned with our image. We are the newest kid on the block in India in the two-wheeler industry and want to take our brand to global pinnacle".
The two riders who would represent "Mahindra Racing" in the first season are 18-year-old Marcel Schrotter, a former German and European 125cc champion, and Britain's Danny Webb who made his debut in the world motorcycle championship five years ago when only 16.
"I have joined the new team as it's a very big company and I want to go on and win the world championship for this team. It's a privilege to ride for the first Indian team to enter the world championship," said Debb who enters his full fifth season.
"It's good to be in the Mahindra team, it gives me a good feeling. With a year's experience in the world championship under my belt, I am now looking forward to making a mark with Mahindra Racing at the MotoGP World Championship," said Schrotter at a press conference.
Asked about the absence of an Indian rider in Mahindra Racing team, Irani, who is also the Group's Chief Brand Officer, said they would be "scouting for Indian talent, but the first priority is to get the team going and get it creditworthy."