Mahle Filtersysteme GmbH (MFS) of Germany is likely to buy a 50 per cent stake in automobile filter system manufacturer Purolator India Ltd, a part of the Rs 1,900 crore Anand group. The deal is likely to see MFS replace ArvinMeritor, the joint venture partner in Purolator India. |
Purolator India is the market leader for air filter systems in India with a production capacity of 32 million units per annum. In addition, it has a filter paper impregnation plant, the largest of its kind in the country. |
Although the Anand group confirmed that MFS would take the place of ArvinMeritor in the company, its executives did not provide a reason for the change in the joint venture's constitution. "The exit of ArvinMeritor from Purolator India has been decided through mutual consent," said a spokesperson of the Anand group. |
MFS will take a 50 per cent stake in Purolator India by acquiring 39.27 per cent held by Purolator Products Company LLC, USA, a non-resident shareholder, and 10.73 percent stake held by resident shareholder Asia Investments Pvt Ltd. The price for the shares changing hands is yet to be decided. |
MFS already has a fully owned subsidiary in India "" Mahle Filter Systems (India) Pvt Ltd "" engaged in the same area of business as Purolator India Ltd. |
Until recently, Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd was a joint venture partner in Mahle Filter Systems India with a five per cent stake, which was bought out by the German group. |