MakeMyTrip is offering discounts upto Rs 20,000 on international air tickets and leisure tours and big discounts on hotel bookings in an app-only sale beginning Tuesday. This is the second edition of the portal's app only sale following the first sale last November.
Portals including MakeMyTrip are focusing on hotels business and driving sales through mobile phones and app. The sale titled The Great Indian Getaway (TGIG) is a way to push up bookings.
For MakeMyTrip mobile bookings contribute about 30% of domestic flights-bookings, and nearly 50% of the total online domestic hotel transactions. Its app has seen 12 million downloads in four years.
"The first edition of the sale drove tremendous interest from travellers across the country. This has motivated us to bring back and establish TGIG as a half-yearly property. It is our constant endeavor to bring the best possible travel choices and offers to our consumers and catalyze the offline travel booking to online travel booking behavior," said , Rajesh Magow, Co-Founder and CEO-India, MakeMyTrip said.