Eight months after it was phased out from the market, Maruti today unveiled the new Zen sporting an all-new look under a new name Estilo with the base variant priced at Rs 3.19 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi).The company, which had discontinued the sale of the Zen after deciding to go in for an all-new model, decided on an aggressive entry-level pricing to make it competitive in the market against models like Hyundai's Santro and Tata's Indica."Young people in India today desire products with contemporary styling and international appeal. The new Zen will appeal to this new India just as the original Zen appealed to the India of the mid-1990s. It incorporates features and attributes that are uniquely suited to India and valued by Indian car buyers," Jagdish Khattar, managing director of Maruti, said.The Estilo - which is a Spanish word meaning Style - will strengthen Maruti's position in the compact car segment where it already has models like Alto, WagonR and Swift. However, analysts say the presence of many models around the same price band could also lead to some cannabalisation.The company said the Zen Estilo is roomier than the original Zen and sports a bigger engine (1061 cc). "It is taller, offers more boot space and superior air conditioning. It delivers 64 bhp and its low-end torque of 84 nm (at 3500 rpm) makes it ideal for Indian city conditions," the company said.Click here to read review of Zen EstiloZen and Now