Motorola has approached the Delhi High Court against BSNL's decision to disqualify the company from participating in the Rs 20,000 crore GSM expansion programme."Yes, we have gone to court. We want to know reasons for our disqualification from the 45.5 million line tender," Firdose Vandrevala, president of Motorola (India), said. Motorola is believed to have tied up with Chinese company ZTE, which also faces disqualification by BSNL, for procuring equipment for 3G mobile services. BSNL officials said that Mototrola and ZTE could not clear certain parameters relating to security clauses, and the two companies were disqualified and not called for the meeting today in which the financial bids were opened.Ericsson has emerged as the lowest bidder followed by Nokia.If the BSNL's decision remains the same after due evaluation, Ericsson will bag the contract for supplying 60% of the equipment while Nokia will get the remaining 40%.