As the seventh edition of the IndianPremier League kicks off today, broadcaster Multi Screen Media issitting pretty with 10 sponsors on board and nearly 70% ofits spot advertising inventory sold off. The broadcaster will beairing the tournament on its channels SET Max, Sony Six and Sony SixHD.
Rohit Gupta, president, MSM informs that the response to the IPL has been enthusiastic as ever. Thebroadcaster has managed to maintain the number of sponsors from lastyear with two presenting sponsors - Vodafone and Karbonn Mobile andeight associate sponsors - Havells, Amazon, Perfetti Van Melle,Marico, Cadbury and TVS Motors. The remaining two will be announcedby tonight reveals Gupta.
A media planner who was involved in thenegotiations for one of the associate sponsors said, "Once thevenue and timings were decided, the brands' confidence in thetournament was restored. The IPL promises entertainment and reachwhich is what matters to the advertisers."
While Vodafone, Cadbury, Havells andKarbonn are returning as on-air sponsors, brands like Marico andPerfetti Van Melle have been consistent on-air spot buyers for theprevious seasons of the tournament. This is also the first year thata two wheeler brand - TVS Motors has signed up for associatesponsorship during the IPL.
"The reduction in the number ofmatches has actually worked well for us. Firstly, there will be lessviewer fatigue and second, more importantly, there will be fewerafternoon matches and thus we expect the viewership to increase thistime," informs Gupta.
The broadcaster has increased thesponsorship rates by 15% from last year. Sponsorship ratesfor each 10-second spot are around Rs 4 lakh, said media planners whoare part of the negotiations for advertisers. Spot buyers would haveto pay nearly Rs 1 lakh more, with rates pegged at Rs 4.75-5 lakh for10 seconds.
The tournament has showing steadyincrease in reach over the past six seasons. It increased from 165million in IPL 5 to 210 million in IPL 6 and the trend is expected tocontinue. The broadcaster is targeting a revenue of Rs 900 crore thisseason as compared to Rs 800 - Rs 850 crore last year.