The dividend included Government of India's share of Rs 313.23 crore. Out of this, the company has already paid Rs 229.80 crore as interim dividend to the central government in March 2014.
The cheque for final dividend amounting to Rs 83.43 crore was handed over to Narendra Singh Tomar, Union minister for steel and mines by Ansuman Das, chairman cum managing director of the company in New Delhi.
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It may be noted that since inception, NALCO has paid a total of Rs 4,905.77 crore as dividend, including Rs 4,233.96 crore as share of government of India.
Meanwhile, the company has announced the results for the second quarter ending September 2014. In Q2, NALCO has achieved higher net profit of Rs 342 crore, as against Rs 179 crore in the corresponding period of previous fiscal, an increase of 91 per cent.