Network 18 Q1 net loss at Rs 3crBS Reporter / Mumbai July 27, 2007Network 18, the holding company of TV18 and Global Broadcast News has posted a net loss of Rs 3.38 crore for the first quarter ended June 30,2007. The company's net sales during the quarter stood at Rs 32.29 crore.Comparable figures of the corresponding period are not available since Network 18 was formed as the TV18 group restructured its various media entities under the television and internet spaces. Post the restructuring in Februray this year, Network18 was made the holding company of the group. Consequently, the group's broadcasting units now fall under two entities - TV18 and Global Broadcast News (GBN). While TV18 operates two business news channels CNBC TV18 and Awaaz, GBN operates the general news and current affairs channels CNN-IBN and IBN-7."We are extremely happy with this quarter