Japanese carmaker Nissan today rolled out its second vehicle in India - the luxury sedan Teana - to tap the growing high-end car market in the country.The sedan has been priced at Rs 20.47 lakh (ex-showroom) in Delhi, Chennai, Banglore and Hyderabad, and slightly higher at Rs 20.67 lakh in Mumbai."When we decided to launch our second vehicle, we wanted to take advantage of the growing luxury segment. Our research shows the Indian customers' expectations of a luxury vehicle matches what Teana offers," Yoshie Motohiro, managing director, Nissan Motor India, said today.The vehicle would be fully imported from Nissan's Kyushu plant in Japan, and is powered by a 2.3 litre petrol engine. This is the company's second offering for the Indian market after its sports utility vehicle 'X-trail'.Nissan Teana will compete with the top-end models of compatriot carmakers Honda and Toyota whose Accord and Camry models are in a similar price range.