This is part of a plan to invest Rs 200 crore to build its CNG cab capacity in Delhi over the next six months. Last year, the high court here had rejected Ola’s plea to be allowed to operate diesel cabs here. It directed that all app-based taxi aggregators phase out diesel vehicles by March 1.
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With the 5,000 new vehicles on its platform, Ola will take its total CNG fleet strength in the region up to 25,000 vehicles.
"We intend adding 5000 new CNG vehicles on our platform in the region, which would in turn contribute to a clean and green Delhi NCR," said Pranay Jivrajka, COO at Ola. "Ola has rolled out to a number of programs that help driver partners take the first step towards entrepreneurship."
Ola has partnered with car manufacturers and financiers to offer its driver-partners attractive discounts and exchanges. A driver will be able to get up to Rs 1.5 lakh off on the exchange of their old diesel vehicles through the scheme. Spot financing will be on offer from State Bank of India, IDBI and Shriram Finance, among others.