Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with National Building Construction Corporation (NBCC) for construction of offices in New Delhi and Mumbai. According to a release issued by ONGC, Subir Raha, CMD of the company and Arup Roychaudhury, CMD of NBCC, signed the MoU for the construction of 'green' and 'intellient' buildings."The ultra-modern complex at Vasant Kunj in New Delhi will house the ONGC energy centre, management centre, auditorium and corporate offices of ONGC and ONGC Videsh. The Bandra-Kurla office will accommodate offices presently functional from hired/leased buildings in Mumbai," the release said. NBCC will implement the projects on a turnkey basis from 'concept-to-commissioning' within 30 months. It will also maintain and operate both the complexes for one year. "ONGC has incorporated a bonus provision in the MoU to encourage early completion," the release added.